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At Town & Country Sweeps we do the best job possible for all of our customers.


1. We quote a price for a straight forward sweep or job. (Quote - estimated price for a job or service).

2. We rely on you to provide us with all necessary information on what we are sweeping – the price will be quoted to you based on that information. If you have failed to tell us in advance of any problems, or that it is, for example a fireplace that is larger than average, we reserve the right to ‘re-quote’ on arrival. You may decline to use the service at that point.

3. In the event that we encounter a problem (this might, for example, be a blockage or a problem flue) the sweep will advise you in advance of completing any additional work if there is likely to be any extra charge to be made.

4. If you decide you do not want the sweep to continue with the job, we reserve the right to make a charge to cover our costs including a contribution towards work already undertaken and no certificate will be issued.

5. The cost of any additional time of a service or job will be charged at £35 per half hour plus any extra materials used.


6. If you have to change or cancel an appointment 24 hours notice is required. We have allocated time in our day specifically for you and late notice cancellation may mean that we are unable to offer the appointment to someone else.

We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the quoted price in the event that no-one is at home when we attend the property and/or we cannot gain access or cancellation is within 24 hours


7. Payment is due at the time of provision of the service, except where alternative arrangements are arranged in advance.

8. Payment can be made by CASH, BACS (bank transfer), DEBIT or CREDIT cards. Card payments are paid through Sumup QR code. For BACS, details will be provided at the time of service.

Invoices can be emailed and payment will be required within 24 hours. Payments not settled within 24 hours may attract an additional charge.


9. Sweeping is conducted by either using traditional rods and brushes or rotary powersweeping. We will assess the condition of the flue on the day which will determine which method is used.

10. Floor sheeting will be used to help protect the premises from any dirt or dust from the sweeping process.

11. Fireplaces and stoves will also be sheeted up to prevent dust spillage during sweeping.

12. We do our best to minimise any dust from entering the property during the sweeping process, but there can be some occasions where this is unavoidable.


12. We are unable to remove ‘live’ bird’s nests (usually found between March and June when Jackdaws are nesting). Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it’s an offence to intentionally take, damage destroy any active wild bird’s nest in the UK. You must allow the chicks to leave the nest before taking any action to remove a nest or block an entrance to it.

If we find a nest in the chimney when we are sweeping we will usually arrange to come back to remove it when it is legal to do so. We may make a charge for our time if we cannot sweep.

If we come across a blockage, we will advise that the use of a CCTV camera (will incur extra cost) is best to determine what the blockage is.


13. Great care is taken to prevent damage to your property, the sweep cannot be held responsible for badly maintained or deteriorating pots, cowls, chimney stacks, fireplaces or any other part of your chimney. 

14. No responsibility can be accepted for chimney problems that occurred during sweeping that were not obvious before the sweep was undertaken or have not been advised to us if known by the customer.
15. If there are any issues or anything that seems to be a possible issue with your heating appliance or chimney we may advise you to take precautions or advise remedial work or to seek advise prior to sweeping. 

16. We aim to sweep all types of appliances that burn solid fuel, wood, oil or gas, in residential or commercial premises. If the installation or heating appliance does not seem safe to use or is unable to be swept, we will do our best to advise you on how to rectify the problem.

17. Stainless steel flue liners can fail due to corrosion and they don’t last forever. We carry different types of brushes that are suitable for the job. If a liner fails during a sweep, the sweep is not responsible for the liner. Tar build up and moisture over time can corrode and weaken the liner. The sweep will ask you the age of the installation upon arrival to detainee how it is going to be swept.


18. A certificate of sweep is issued for every sweep that is conducted. If an appliance or flue is obviously unsafe a warning notice will be issued with advise of what remedial work should be required.
19. The certificate is not a warranty or guarantee that your chimney is safe to use since a full visual inspection (CCTV or other) has not been made and soundness or integrity testing has not been carried out. The certificate is confirmation that we have passed a brush or appropriate device through the flue and removed as much soot and/or debris as we are able.


20. We will access your chimney by ladder and roof ladder. We will take every care in placing the ladder to avoid broken tiles and/or guttering. We rely on our customer to advise us if there are any problems already identified with the roof. In cases where is is not possible to access by ladder, we will recommend that a scaffold is erected for access.


21. If we are working outdoors (such as fitting a bird guard, cap or cowl) the work will be dependent upon the weather being suitable for working from a ladder.


22. All data that is collected is stored securely and not shared with any third party.

23. We carry a low-tier environmental waste license.

24. We are fully insured, a member of The National Association of Chimney Sweeps and are a HETAS approved Sweep and Service Technician.

25. We are a local, professional chimney sweeping business and we rely on customers coming back to us year after year. If you like what we do, please tell everyone. If you are unhappy with any part of the service, please tell us.

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